. They’re very inexpensive and can be very helpful, but, of course, only if you’re in the market for curling.
The next thing to consider is the width and style of the curler. Curl widths are in a line from ½” to 2 ½”, which is the width of your eyelash curler. The most popular curling width is ½” (or ¾ inch).
Curl styles are usually grouped into two categories. The 1⅜ inch and the the 2⅝ inch. 1⅜ inch style is the widest of the two and is what most pro curlers use. It’s the widest of the two and therefore the curler that most people tend to use.
There is a 1½-inch style that is used by many curlers. It’s the most common curling width and is what most eyes are familiar with. It’s shorter than ½” or ¾”, so this style of curling is more suited to the eyes of the beginner or the one who has had very small eyelashes.
2⅝ Curl style is slightly shorter than 1⅜ inch style and also the widest of the two. However, it does have a narrower curling slot and has more narrow space. 2⅝ is the width of Curls for beginners, 2⅝ is the width of Curls for experienced curlers, and 3⅝ is the width of Curls for the experienced curler.
As you can see, the 2⅝ style is the most common and is what most people tend to use. It’s the widest of the two and has the widest curling slot.
3⅝ Curl is a slightly shorter curling style than 2⅝ Curl. It has a narrower curling slot and has space for a more narrow curling slot. 3⅝ curl is the width of Curls for the experienced curler. It is generally the widest of the two and has the narrow curling slot.
A Curl is more suitable for curling if the curling bar is a set of two (or two with a set of three). The Curl Bar is the bar on the side of the curler. It sets the center point of your curl bar. This is important as it is the only place where you can curl your eyelid.
This guide is for beginners only and is not meant to be taken as a complete guide. You may want to try out a couple of curls to see which one is most comfortable for you.

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